Rebecca Vadalà, PhD
+ 39 0200660350
Rebecca Vadalà is a young researcher with technical skills in flow cytometry and primary cell cultures. She received her PhD in Molecular and Translational Medicine in 2022, at DIMET, University of Milan-Bicocca.
During her PhD she studied the role of LINE1-containing transcripts in the regulation of the state of quiescience, differentiation and dysfunction of T lymphocytes, focusing on the study of LINE1-containing transcripts in the reversion of the dysfunctional state of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes.
Rebecca is a researcher (or collaborator) in T-One Therapeutics since 2022 where she can use her experience on T lymphocytes in a translational research context with possible clinical implications. In her current role she is responsible for the study of the silencing of LINE1 transcripts, through antisense oligonucleotides, to improve the immunological response of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.